Welcome to our new blog, “The Adventure Bureau Dispatch!”
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Agriculture is deeply embedded in Centre County’s heritage, and signs of Happy Valley’s agricultural roots run deep in our picturesque valleys. There are plenty of ways to experience your own ‘Agventure.’

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AHA 加速器
For Centre County restaurants, shops and establishments negatively impacted by the ongoing pandemic and just trying to remain afloat, “to mask or not to mask” is not up for debate. Wearing a mask is necessary for economic recovery.
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Happy Valley Hotels & Restaurants Showcase Health and Safety Measures
We are proud of our hotels and restaurants in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania. As regulated industries, businesses have rushed to adopt and adapt to safe practices designed to protect guests and employees during the pandemic. Hotels and restaurants in Pennsylvania have always adhered to strict cleanliness mandates. Public health agencies and business leaders are working together nationwide to develop even more heightened “New Normal” cleanliness, public safety and health protocols in every industry. Read more about how Happy Valley hotels and restaurants are working to ensure a safe
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- See Happy Valley’s Top Spots Via an Interactive Geocaching Tour
- International Cuisine in Happy Valley
- Happy Valley Agventures
- Spend a day in and around Millheim, PA
- Best Places to Picnic
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- Friday in the 'Fonte - July 31, 2023
- Spend a day in and around Philipsburg
- Dispatch from The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau - July 22, 2023
- HVAB announces Board of Directors appointment
- Dispatch from The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau - July 14, 2023
- The Overlook Grill’s Phased Re-Opening
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- Spend a day in and around Bellefonte
- 200th anniversary of Philipsburg’s Old Mud Church to be celebrated on-line
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